What is Today’s Islamic Date in Pakistan?
24 Shaʿbān 1446 : February 23, 2025
If you are looking for the Islamic date today in Pakistan, you’ve come to the right place. The current Hijri date in Pakistan is an important part of the Islamic calendar, which follows the lunar cycle. Today’s Islamic date in Pakistan is 24 Shaʿbān 1446, while the corresponding Gregorian date is February 23, 2025.
Islamic months differ from Gregorian months as they follow the moon’s sighting. Here, you will find accurate and up-to-date Chand ki Tarikh (Moon Date) today in Pakistan.
Islamic Calendar & Hijri Date System
The Islamic calendar consists of 12 months, but unlike the Gregorian calendar, it contains 354 to 355 days instead of 365-366 days. The Islamic new year begins with Muharram, while the Gregorian calendar starts with January.
List of Islamic Months:
- Muharram
- Safar
- Rabi al-Awwal
- Rabi al-Thani
- Jumada al-Awwal
- Jumada al-Thani
- Rajab
- Shaban
- Ramadan
- Shawwal
- Dhul-Qadah
- Dhul-Hijja
Today’s Chand Ki Tarikh in Pakistan
The Chand ki Tarikh (Moon Date) today in Pakistan is 24 Shaʿbān 1446. This date is updated daily, based on the official moon sighting announcements by the Government of Pakistan.
Why is the Islamic Date Important?
The Hijri calendar plays a crucial role in Islamic rituals and observances. Ramadan fasting, Hajj, Eid celebrations, and Islamic events are based on the lunar calendar. Therefore, Muslims frequently check the current Islamic date to stay informed.
Today’s Islamic date in Pakistan is 24 Shaʿbān 1446, corresponding to February 23, 2025 in the Gregorian calendar. You can check the Chand ki Tarikh today for the latest updates. Follow the Islamic Hijri calendar for all your religious events and daily activities.
Stay updated with the correct Islamic date in Pakistan and never miss an important Islamic event.