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How to Apply for a Driving License in Gilgit Baltistan DLIMS

dlims-gilgitAre you planning to hit the scenic roads of Gilgit Baltistan? Before embarking on your journey, it’s essential to ensure you have the proper documentation in hand, starting with a valid driving license. Obtaining a driving license in Gilgit Baltistan (GB) has become more convenient with the introduction of online application processes. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to apply for a driving license in GB, the required documents, and the associated fees.

Applying Online: A Step-by-Step Guide
Gone are the days of long queues and paperwork. With the digitalization of services, the process of applying for a driving license in GB has become streamlined and accessible. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you through the online application process:

Step 1: Visit the DLIMS Website

Start by visiting the official website of the Driving License Issuance and Management System (DLIMS) for Gilgit Baltistan. The website URL is

Step 2: Create an Account

If you’re a new user, you’ll need to create an account on the DLIMS website. Provide the required information, including your name, contact details, and CNIC (Computerized National Identity Card) number.

Step 3: Fill in the Application Form

Once you’ve logged into your account, navigate to the section for applying for a new driving license. Fill in the online application form with accurate details, such as your personal information, address, and type of license you’re applying for (e.g., car, motorcycle).

Step 4: Required Documents

Learner License:

  • A copy of C.N.I.C
  • A Ticket of Rs.60 from any Post Office.
  • Get a Code Book of Traffic Rules & Regulation from Traffic Police Office.
  • Medical Certificate (by Authorized Medical Practitioner)

NEW Regular License:

  • Endorsement Form
  • A Copy of Medical Certificate.
  • A Copy of N.I.C.
  • 2 Attested Fresh Photographs.
  • Original Learner Permit of at least Six Weeks.
  • Driving Tickets According to Schedule.
  • 1st license will be attached.

Renewal of License:

  • Required Application Form E within File Cover
  • 2 Photo Graph Passport Size
  • A copy of NIC
  • Original Driving License
  • Medical Report
  • A Ticket of relevant License


  • No charges for renewal of license within one month.
  • After one month & before 90 days 50% fine will be charged.
  • After 90 days & before one year 100% fine will be charged.

Step 5: Schedule an Appointment

After submitting your application, schedule an appointment for a physical verification and biometric verification at the designated licensing center.

Step 6: Pay the Fee

Depending on the type of license, a learner’s driving permit in Balochistan costs different amounts. Additionally, a learner license permit costs Rs. 60. The bank challan price is RS 450, and the IDP fee is Rs 66. A duplicate driving license costs Rs. 100 for motorbikes, Rs. 150 for cars and LTV, and Rs. 200 for HTVs. For motorbikes, the vehicle verification price is Rs. 300; for other types of vehicles, it is Rs. 1000.

Age Limits for Learner Permit

  • Motor Cycle/ Motor Car: 18 Years
  • LTV (Rikshaw, Taxi, Tractor Commercial): 21 Years

Note: Learner permits are issued on Daily Bases which Validity is of 6 months.

Once you’ve completed all the steps, your application will be processed by the authorities. You can track the status of your application through the DLIMS website using the unique application ID provided to you.

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Enhancing Customer Satisfaction: State Bank of Pakistan Introduces Sunwai Complaint Management Service

state-bank-pakistanIn the current digital era, a successful firm or institution must prioritize customer pleasure. Understanding this necessity, the State Bank of Pakistan launched Sunwai, a comprehensive customer complaint management service, which is a major step forward. With the help of this cutting-edge technology, consumer complaints within the banking industry will be handled more quickly and transparently, which will increase customer satisfaction in the end.

sunwai-logoSunwai is available via a mobile application as well as a dedicated portal Its user-friendly interface enables clients to easily file complaints. Customers can easily voice their concerns to Sunwai and get rapid resolution for any banking-related issue, be it a transactional discrepancy, unsatisfactory service, or anything else. Please register yourself at for redressal of complaints in a hassle-free manner.

The State Bank of Pakistan’s dedication to creating a banking environment that prioritizes customers is demonstrated by the launch of Sunwai. The platform makes sure that client feedback is swiftly recorded, tracked, and resolved in a timely manner by utilizing digital technologies. In addition to improving the client experience overall, this proactive strategy fosters confidence in the banking system.

The fact that Sunwai is always accessible is one of its main advantages. Clients can easily access the portal using mobile applications accessible on the Google Play Store and iOS App Store, or through the web at any time and from any location. This accessibility makes sure that there are no time restrictions on client complaints, enabling a prompt resolution procedure.

Furthermore, Sunwai is a driving force behind the advancement of openness and accountability in the banking industry. Customers and banking authorities can monitor the status of complaints using real-time tracking and monitoring tools, which guarantees that every issue is given the focus and attention it needs to be resolved. Customers are not only made to feel more trusting of banking institutions, but an accountability culture is also fostered by this transparency.

It is impossible to overestimate the significance of efficient complaint handling in this ever-digital and linked society. The State Bank of Pakistan has initiated Sunwai as a proactive measure to guarantee that client complaints are handled effectively and on time. This program not only displays the bank’s dedication to customer-centricity but also establishes a standard of excellence for the banking industry.


To sum up, Sunwai marks a critical turning point in the development of customer care in the banking sector. The State Bank of Pakistan has empowered its customers and cleared the path for a banking ecosystem that is more open, accountable, and focused on the needs of its clients by utilizing digital technologies. As we support this revolutionary endeavor, let’s work to create a banking industry that not only satisfies but beyond the expectations of its clients.

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Understanding Traffic Signs


Decoding the Language of the Road: Understanding Traffic Signs

Every time we get behind the wheel, we embark on a journey where communication is key. Amidst the hustle and bustle of modern life, amidst the hum of engines and the blur of scenery, there exists a silent language that guides us, keeps us safe, and ensures the smooth flow of traffic. This language is none other than the ubiquitous traffic signs that line our roads and highways.

The Importance of Traffic Signs

Imagine driving through a city without any traffic signs. Chaos would undoubtedly ensue. Traffic signs are the unsung heroes of our roads, providing vital information to drivers, pedestrians, and cyclists alike. They serve as a universal language that transcends barriers of language and culture, guiding us through the complex network of streets and intersections.

Types of Traffic Signs

Traffic signs can be categorized into several distinct types, each serving a specific purpose:

1. Regulatory Signs: These signs inform drivers of traffic laws and regulations. Stop signs, yield signs, speed limit signs, and no entry signs are all examples of regulatory signs that dictate how we should behave on the road.


2. Warning Signs: Warning signs are designed to alert drivers to potential hazards or changes in road conditions. From sharp curves and steep inclines to pedestrian crossings and animal crossings, these signs help drivers anticipate and react to upcoming obstacles.


3. Guide Signs: Guide signs provide directional and navigational information to drivers. They inform us of upcoming exits, distances to cities, and locations of landmarks, ensuring we stay on the right path to our destination.



4. Informational Signs: Informational signs convey supplementary information that may be helpful to drivers, such as locations of gas stations, rest areas, and tourist attractions. While not essential for safe driving, these signs enhance the overall driving experience.


Download Traffic Signs PDF

Understanding the Symbols

One of the remarkable features of traffic signs is their use of symbols to convey information quickly and efficiently. These symbols are designed to be universally understood, transcending language barriers and ensuring clarity for all road users. Whether it’s the octagonal shape of a stop sign, the triangular warning of a yield sign, or the circular command of a speed limit sign, each symbol carries a distinct meaning that drivers instinctively recognize.

The Evolution of Traffic Signs

Traffic signs have come a long way since their inception. From simple wooden boards with painted symbols to modern, highly reflective signs with LED lighting, advancements in technology and materials have enhanced their visibility and effectiveness. Moreover, the standardization of traffic signs across regions and countries has facilitated international travel and promoted global road safety standards.


Next time you hit the road, take a moment to appreciate the silent guardians that line your path: the traffic signs. These unassuming signposts are the backbone of our transportation infrastructure, guiding us safely to our destinations and ensuring order amidst the chaos of the modern world. So, whether you’re cruising down the highway or navigating through city streets, remember to heed the language of the road—it just might save your life.

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E-Testing for Driving License

Driving License

In the digital age, convenience is key, and the realm of driving tests is no exception. Gone are the days of queuing up at the DMV or waiting weeks for a scheduled test date. With the advent of e-testing for driving licenses, obtaining your license has become more accessible and efficient than ever before. Let’s dive into what e-testing entails and why it’s revolutionizing the way we approach driver licensing.

What is E-Testing for Driving License?

E-testing for driving licenses involves taking your written or theoretical driving test online, rather than in a physical testing center. These tests cover essential knowledge about road rules, signs, and safe driving practices, ensuring that drivers are equipped with the necessary information to operate a vehicle safely on the road.

The Advantages of E-Testing

1. Convenience: Perhaps the most significant advantage of e-testing is the convenience it offers. No longer do applicants need to set aside an entire day for a trip to the DMV. With e-testing, you can take the exam from the comfort of your own home or any location with internet access.

2. Flexibility: E-testing provides flexibility in scheduling. Rather than being constrained by the availability of testing slots at physical locations, e-testing allows you to choose a time that suits you best. Whether you’re an early bird or a night owl, you can schedule your test at a time when you feel most prepared and focused.

3. Immediate Results: Unlike traditional testing methods where you may have to wait days or weeks for your results, e-testing provides immediate feedback. Upon completing the exam, you’ll receive your results instantly, allowing you to know whether you’ve passed or need to brush up on certain areas.

4. Cost-Efficiency: E-testing can also be more cost-effective for both the applicant and the licensing authority. Without the need for physical testing centers and staff to administer exams, overhead costs are reduced. This can translate to lower testing fees for applicants.

5. Accessibility: E-testing opens up opportunities for individuals who may face barriers to accessing traditional testing centers, such as those living in remote areas or individuals with mobility issues. As long as you have internet access and a compatible device, you can take the test from virtually anywhere.

How E-Testing Works

The process of e-testing for driving licenses is relatively straightforward:

1. Registration: Begin by registering for the test through the appropriate licensing authority’s website. If you are applying in KPK, then you can start by simply entering your name at eTesting website KPK

2. Study Materials: Access study materials provided by the licensing authority to prepare for the test. These materials typically include a driver’s handbook or manual outlining relevant road rules and regulations.

3. Taking the Test: Once you feel prepared, schedule a time to take the test online. Ensure you have a stable internet connection and a quiet, distraction-free environment. The test will typically consist of multiple-choice questions covering various aspects of driving knowledge.

4. Receiving Results: Upon completing the test, you’ll receive your results immediately. If you pass, congratulations! You can proceed to the next steps in the licensing process. If you don’t pass, you may have the opportunity to retake the test after a waiting period.

5. Further Steps: Depending on your jurisdiction, there may be additional requirements beyond the written test, such as a practical driving exam. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the complete licensing process to ensure compliance.

For your convenience a sample recorded theoretical driving test is shown below. The answers to MCQs are available in GREEN at the end of video.


E-testing for driving licenses represents a significant step forward in modernizing the licensing process. By leveraging technology, it offers unparalleled convenience, flexibility, and accessibility for aspiring drivers. Whether you’re a seasoned driver looking to renew your license or a newcomer embarking on the journey of obtaining your first license, e-testing provides a streamlined path to achieving your goals. Embrace the future of driver licensing with e-testing, where the road to obtaining your license is just a click away.

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Driving License

Driving License

A Guide to Acquiring Your Driving License: Navigating the Road to Freedom

Driving is more than just a skill; it’s a gateway to freedom, independence, and endless possibilities. Whether you’re a seasoned driver or gearing up to embark on your first driving journey, acquiring a driving license is an essential step towards hitting the road safely and legally. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the process of obtaining your driving license, demystifying the steps and requirements along the way.

Step 1: Familiarize Yourself with Local Regulations of Pakistan

Before diving into the licensing process, it’s crucial to familiarize yourself with the driving laws and regulations specific to your region. Each jurisdiction may have its own set of rules regarding age requirements, documentation, and testing procedures. Researching these regulations beforehand will ensure that you’re well-prepared to navigate the licensing process smoothly.

Step 2: Gather Required Documentation

The next step in acquiring your driving license is gathering the necessary documentation. While the exact requirements may vary depending on your location, common documents typically include:

1. Proof of identity (national ID card CNIC)
2. Proof of residency
3. Birth certificate
4. Medical fitness certificate
5. Passport-sized photographs

Be sure to double-check the specific documentation requirements in your area to avoid any delays in the application process.

Step 3: Enroll in a Driving School (if required)

In many regions, enrolling in a certified driving school and completing a formal driver’s education program is a mandatory step towards obtaining a driving license, especially for new drivers. These programs provide essential theoretical knowledge and practical driving skills training, preparing you for the road ahead and increasing your chances of passing the driving test with flying colors.

Step 4: Study for the Written Exam

Before you can hit the road, you’ll need to demonstrate your understanding of traffic laws, road signs, and safe driving practices by passing a written exam. Study materials, including driver’s manuals and online resources, are readily available to help you prepare for the exam. Dedicate ample time to studying and familiarizing yourself with the rules of the road to increase your chances of success.

Step 5: Schedule and Pass the Driving Test

Once you feel confident in your knowledge and driving skills, it’s time to schedule your driving test. This practical examination typically involves demonstrating your ability to operate a vehicle safely in various traffic scenarios, including parking, navigating intersections, and executing maneuvers such as lane changes and turns. Practice sessions with a licensed instructor or mentor can help sharpen your skills and boost your confidence before the test.

SINDH government has an online system for Pre-Appointment of Driving Test. If you are applying for a license in Punjab then you can apply for a Learner’s Driving License Online.  Incase of KPK you can reserve an online appointment and then visit the designated centers for Learner or Regular permit. Another good feature on KPK DLIMS website is the E-Test for Driving test which anyone can take without providing any information.

Step 6: Apply for Your Driving License

With the written exam and driving test successfully completed, you’re now ready to apply for your driving license. Submit the required documentation, along with any applicable fees, to the local licensing authority. Upon approval, you’ll receive your shiny new driving license, granting you the freedom to explore the open road with confidence and responsibility.


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Renew NADRA ID Card CNIC Online


In Pakistan, the renewal of your essential identity document, commonly known as CNIC (Computerized National Identity Card) or iCard, has become more convenient than ever. The National Database and Registration Authority (NADRA) offers an online renewal service accessible through or the Pak-ID mobile app, making the process swift and efficient.

Renewal Process Overview:
To initiate the CNIC renewal process, simply register on the NADRA app and proceed to pay the renewal fee using any Credit or Debit card. The renewal options include normal, urgent, and executive, with processing times varying from 7 days onwards.

Verification Process:
NADRA ensures the authenticity of applicants by employing advanced security measures, such as fingerprint scanning through the mobile app, enhancing the overall security and reliability of the renewal process.

Renewal Fee Structure (Last Updated: 22 January 2024):
– Smart CNIC Renewal Options:
– Normal (31 Days) – Fee: PKR 750
– Urgent (23 Days) – Fee: PKR 1,500
– Executive (7 Days) – Fee: PKR 2,500

Documents Required for Renewal:
To complete the renewal process, applicants need to provide a scanned image of their existing CNIC.

Step-by-Step Renewal Guide:
1. Log in to the NADRA web portal and select “Online CNIC” among various verification services.
2. Choose the “My identification card is expired” option and click “Start New Application” from the drop-down menu.
3. Complete the form and make the CNIC renewal payment using any credit or debit card.
4. Add your fingerprint to the fingerprint template for verification.

Checking CNIC Renewal Status:
To track the status of your renewal application, follow these steps:
– Open the “Existing Applications” section on the Pak Identity Portal of NADRA.
– Select “Tracking ID” to check the current status of your CNIC renewal.

Alternative Method: Checking CNIC Renewal Status via SMS:
For added convenience, send your application tracking ID to 8400 to receive instant updates on the status of your CNIC renewal.

Renewing your CNIC in Pakistan has been simplified with the user-friendly online platform provided by NADRA. By following these steps, you can ensure a smooth and hassle-free renewal process, allowing you to stay up-to-date with your essential identification document.

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Vehicle Verification Islamabad


Excise and Taxation Department of Islamabad Capital Territory has its own Vehicle verification system accessible through their website. You just need to enter Registration number and registration date to obtain the details of a vehicle registered in Islamabad.

The website of Excise and Taxation Department is and the official URL to verify vehicle details is

If you are unable to search for the desired information, then you can also contact at:

1. Contact No. 111-383-383    (08:00 AM – 03:00 PM)

2. Email:

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Vote Verification for Election 2024

vote verification in Pakistan

Election commission of Pakistan has announced general election for 2024 to be held on 8th February 2024. Be ready to cast your vote in upcoming election and verify your vote details in just few seconds using the following simple procedure.

Vote Verification via SMS:

  1. Compose an SMS and type your CNIC without dashes, hyphens and spaces.
  2. Send it 8300, the official number of ECP.

In response to your SMS, you will get an auto reply from ECP which will include your name, electoral area, block code and serial number. If you have a complain regarding this information, you can contact your District Election Commissioner. Further details can be found on the official website of Election Commission of Pakistan