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Beware of Bogus DLIMS Websites

Urgent DLIMS Alert: Beware of Bogus Websites Spoofing Our Official Site

The DLIMS Punjab team has identified three bogus websites impersonating their official production site. This puts you in a vulnerable position, and hence you are advised to go through this advisory with due care.

The Threat

Following three fake websites have been created to impersonate the official site:


Possible Aftermath

Accessing such spurious sites may result in significant negative consequences, which include but are not limited to the following:

– Theft of your identity
– Permission-free access to your accounts
– Losses on account of finances
– Theft/compromising of personal information


In order to keep yourself safe and secure, you have to follow the below instructions:

dlims-pakistan1. Always use our official website:
2. Check the URL before filling in personal information
3. If you doubt the authenticity of a website, please get in touch with their support group immediately

What to Do If You Have Visited a Spoof Site

If you suspect you have accessed one of these spoofing sites:

1. Run and change your passwords now
2. Be vigilant about your account activity
3. If you provided financial information, call your bank or credit card company
4. Conduct a full scan for viruses in your computer/phone



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